Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Memories of Grandma

Since I left my birth home at the age of 15 and aged out in foster care, I dont have anything from my childhood. So many of you have such neat things from your childhood, its got to be wonderful to reconnect with when you were a little child. For me, even though I was at my birth home for 15 years, before that, we werent allowed to socialize much with our extended family, like our Grandmas, Grandpas, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc. When I see old family films or pictures I see how much I didnt really know my extended family and how much fun stuff I missed. For me, This statue was given to me a couple of years ago by my Aunt. It belonged to my Grandma who passed away when my twins were born. She was able to hold them and see them at about 4 months of life--then she left us. My memories of my grandma werent that great, to me what i remember is a woman who was sick, stayed in her home alot and just not a generally happy person. I do have some memories of when I was really young--of her playing jokes on me and my cousin. She liked to play jokes on us kids. She also liked to cook and was an Italian one at that. I can still taste that homemade bread out of the oven slathered with butter and jelly. And we cant even begin to talk about the meatballs or Lasagna!

The older I get I've been asking some of the family members that i do talk to if they have anything of Grandmas that I can have. Aunt Yvonne gave me this Mary Statue a couple of years ago. It plays or played music at one time. I keep this on my dresser, I call it Grandma! lol...NOW I DO NOT--DO NOT believe in ghosts. But when I got this, I attempted to have the music play and it wouldnt. Well, gosh its probably at least 50 years old. So on top of my dresser it sits. Last summer, I was taking a nap with my furchild Genie and we were laying there and all of a sudden I hear this music...I look around my room like oh oh--did I die during my sleep and i'm on my way to the pearly gates or is someone in the house? Genie looks at me like What the hell is that? I realize its the statue. It hasnt been touched in at least a year because I dont dust! lol...did i admit that? Well, the statue played for us for about 5 minutes. It was quite nice. I figure it was my Grandma letting me know she is ok. Hasnt played since or before that.

This is about the only thing I have as of now of my extended family memories as far as something I can place about my house. My Uncle a few years ago took all of my Grandpas old time movies and had them made into a VHS movie. I did get one of those and that is neat to have also. Isnt it funny though--now VHS is out of style so i may have to get that redone to! I love seeing many of you bloggers with your treasures of your youth--I'd thought I'd share mine!

13 Thanks for your comments!:

rosemarie said...

dawnie im so sorry you had to go thur that.you have to know that grandma loved you just as much ,and when you said you didnt believe in ghosts,i never new that cause i really believe they exsist.i was so happy to hear grandma gave you a sigh..

Lori said...

That is a beautiful statue♥ I love the old movies, too bad they didn't have sound though
(8mm) I miss my Grandma♥ Thank you for posting :)

Nana Net said...

What a lovely statue! Little knick Nacks, etc. from family members are truly a treasure to have. And eventually you will get the ones you desire. But just think of all the ones you are leaving for your own family!
I will admit that an idea my hubby Mike, and son Duane, came up with was a "Build-A-Bear one! That they both had their voices recorded into one and gave it to me for Christmas! Talk about something being priceless!!!! Now that is to me. Cause I can always hear their voices, even when they are not around.

Nana Net said...

Dawn, I forgot to mention.....That YES, i do believe in Ghosts.... As well as Angels, Spirits, and all.
Guess you could say that to me they are always watching over me and guiding me. Of course Mikey, laughs at me for all of my beliefs and superstitions! But hey, what can I say??????

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

What a touching story that you shared. The statue is beautiful! I do believe in your music story, I had a similar one when I was about 7 years old. I hope you can claim more treasures from your childhood because even though I had a wonderful intact family, we moved a lot so I don't have much either. I'm collecting things now for my kids and the future, at a bargain of course! LOL, Cindy

LisaShaw said...

I'm glad you have something of your Grandmother. That is so important. I'm sorry that you had a difficult upbringing. I was a Guardian Ad Litem for 2 years for a precious Teenager with a lot of problems. She will probably age out in the system in two years. Sadly she ended up in residential care. It was very difficult to see her pain and that of the other teens in the group home. Most of them did not have family to visit with them and others had family that had given up on them. There were a lot of issues with them that needed to be addressed in ways I didn't believe the state could do. They all needed the Lord and to be loved, nurtured and disciplined in addition to the areas of mental and emotional pains they had that needed to be helped. It was very painful for me to watch and I got involved far more then my volunteer role permitted but I still believe that they need so much more than the state can and will give to them.

Sorry for the rant.

I'm so thankful the you have the statue, the tapes of your Grandpa and a few extended family to talk with now. God bless you.

The Raggedy Girl said...


I am sorry your childhood was hard and that you don't have the treasures but I am so glad you have your statue. When things in life are very rare they become even more valuable. I like to find treasures in antique stores that are forgotten and bring them home and make them my special things. I have a little needlepoint of purple pansy's and I feel such a connection to the unknown woman who made it and when I dust it (gosh I live in the desert and must dust often) I tell that lady how much I love her work.

Have a Terrific Tuesday
from Roberta Anne

Shelley said...

Dawnie - I am sad to hear about your hard childhood. I love your statue and hope it brings you only lovely memories!

Ginger said...

Hi Dawn:
I don't have much from my past either. Not that I had a bad childhood, just that we didn't keep things. I have a little, but not like some of the bloggers I read.
I thought that was a cute story of the statue playing music all of a sudden. You gotta wonder, what was going on, huh?

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Dawn, your post has me crying. I'm so sad to learn that your childhood was less than wonderful. Although I was adopted when I was 4years old, I was raised by wonderful parents, and I had a wonderful childhood. My mother (the one who raised me) died within a month after my first grandchild was born, and your post brought back memories of her in that bed, holding her first great grandchild. If you don't have much from your family, I think this beautiful little statute is the perfect thing to have, and I love that it surprised you with its music. laurie

Lilly said...

Thats lovely that you have that Dawnie. Strange about the music - but I believe in the spirit world so I bet it was your grandmother. The really wonderful thing is you have a lovely big famly and now grandchildren of your own and you are creating memories for them.

Sassy said...

DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO...YOU KNOW THAT LITTLE DITTY FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE...JK...How wonderful that you have that from her..I am so sad that you had to go to foster homes...{{{FAMILY}}}} WOW! There is so many blessings from having a family...but when things go bad...those are the ones that hurt the worst! I so believe your music from heaven story...sometimes we get little valentines right when we need them. It is beautiful...your little statue of grandma...

Bridget said...

I don't know how I missed this before. What a nice story and I'm glad you have something and a few nice memories of your grandmother. It's a shame they aren't all nice. My father's mother isn't someone I have any fond memories of but my mom's mom did some of those real grandma kind of things and I miss her and wish I could have had more time with her.
That is so cool about the Mary playing for you.
p.s. granny wants you to dust her once in a while. lol